A Light Breeze through the Last of the Leaves in November V.92023, acrylic on linen, 48"x84"
Frost Settling2023, acrylic, charcoal on linen, 36"x72"
Ice in Sun2023, acrylic on linen, 48"x84"
Doe Inhaling Spring2023, acrylic on linen, 36"x72"
A Breeze Becoming Wind2022, acrylic on panel, 36"x48"
On the first of June, this fragrant breeze came through my window.2022, acrylic on panel, 40"x30"
Frog Pond v.12021, acrylic and graphite on panel, 30"x40"
Fox Listening2022, acrylic on panel, 36"x48"
Great Blue Heron Leaving2021, acrylic, charcoal on aluminum panel, 40"x60"
Trees Sharing Information v.52022, acrylic on panel, 40"x60"
Fawn Exhaling2022, acrylic on canvas, 48"x82"
Bees Finding Pleasure #22023, acrylic, charcoal on panel, 40"x30"